TV Pre-production (RND)

Gameshow Script


*cheering/clapping as Sam enters studio*

Sam: Hello! I’m Sam Britton and oddly enough, this is a British game show.

Sam: Though it doesn’t have a name yet, it certainly has a few games for our two teams to play! But before we do that, I need to introduce someone to the show. Meet my co-host, Max!

*Max waves at audience, smiling*

Sam: Why don’t you introduce us to the teams, Max?

Max: It’ll be my pleasure Sam.

*wait until team introductions are finished*

Sam: Thanks for that, Max. Are you all ready to play?


Sam: Great! Then let’s get started!

If NO:

Sam: Well, too bad- cause here we go!

Round 1 Introduction

Sam: So Max, what have we got lined up for Round 1?

Max: Glad you asked, Sam- this is a film round. The teams will be shown five short film clips and will have to identify the films they come from.
The winner of this round will be the team to correctly identify the most films.

But will the teams be able to make the cut?

Sam: That’s a very good question, Max.
Now, I’d like the two team captains to step forward to the podium.

*captains head to podium*

Sam: Right you two, you’re going to be playing a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors.
The team that will go first is the one with the winning captain.



Max: Captain (A or B) won, so team (A or B) gets to go first. [Depends on result of game.]

Sam: Thanks, Max. Now, let’s look at the clips!

*Teams play through round 1*

Results of Round 1

Sam: So Max, how did the teams do with those clips?

Response 1 (No points for either team)

Max: In a word, Sam… terribly. Neither team identified any of the films, so no points for either team.

Response 2 (1-2 points for either team)

Max: They didn’t really do that well, Sam. Neither team managed to identify more than two films. However, team A has (points) and team B has (points) meaning team (A/B) barely wins the round.

[Depends on result of game.]

Response 3 (3-4 points for either team)

Max: They didn’t do that badly- in fact, team A picked up (points) and team B picked up (points) meaning that team (A/B) wins the round! [Depends on result of game.]

Response 4 (5 points for both teams)

Max: A perfect score for both teams, meaning they both get 5 points. Well done to you all!

Round 2 Introduction

Sam: What’s next for the teams, Max?

Max: Well Sam, both teams better listen, as this is a MUSIC ROUND!

*audience oooooooooh*

Max: In this round, 4 songs will be played for the teams and the first team to buzz in with the song name will get a point. However, a bonus point will be awarded if the team can also identify the artist- meaning that there are 8 points up for grabs in this round.

So who will make the other team ‘Beat It’?

(Writer’s Note: ‘Beat It’ is an expression used to ask someone to leave.
It’s also a reference to the song of the same name by Michael Jackson.)

Sam: Thanks for that, Max. Now, are both teams ready?

If Yes:

Sam: Great! Here comes our first song…

If No:

Sam: Well, if you aren’t ready, you better be listening- cause here comes our first song…

*round plays out*

Round 2 Results

Sam: How’d they do, Max?

Response 1 (No songs or artists identified for either team)

Max: Apparently there aren’t any music lovers within the teams.
None of the music was identified, so no points for either team!

Response 2 (1-2 songs and artists identified for either team)

Max: They weren’t listening carefully, Sam. Neither team managed to identify more than two songs. However, team A has (points) and team B has (points) meaning team (A/B) barely wins the round.

[Depends on result of game.]

Response 3 (2-3 songs and artists identified for either team)

Max: They didn’t do that badly- in fact, team A picked up (points) and team B picked up (points) meaning that team (A/B) wins the round! [Depends on result of game.]

Response 4 (4 songs and artists identified on both teams)

Max: We’ve got some keen listeners here, Sam. Both teams correctly identified the songs as well as their artists, meaning they both get 8 points!

Half Time Score Check

Sam: Thanks for that, Max.
Now, before we start the next round, let’s take a look at the scores for the teams. Max?

Response 1 (Team A or Team B leading massively in points)

Max: Well Sam, the leading team is team (A/B), with (points), blowing team (A/B) out of the water! But can Team (A/B) recover?

Sam: Anything’s possible, Max.
Now, time for a short break but we’ll be back after this short message.

[Depends on results.]

Response 2 (Team A or Team B leading narrowly in points)

Max: Well Sam, the leading team is team (A/B) with (points), however team (A/B) has (points), meaning it’s still all to play for. Who will triumph in the end?

Sam: Who knows, Max?
Anyway, time for a short break but we’ll be back after this short message.

[Depends on results.]

Response 3 (Both teams are tied)

Max: It’s a heated battle, Sam.
Both teams are tied for the lead with (points) but who will triumph?

Sam: That’s hard to call, Max.
Now, time for a short break but we’ll be back after this short message.

[Depends on results.]

*Audience Cheers, Advert/Speech Package break*

Welcome Back

Sam: Welcome back to the show! If you’ve just joined us, two teams are battling for points to see who will win the prizes we have for the show. Let’s have a little recap- Max?

Max: Well Sam, here are the scores so far:
Team (A/B) is leading with (points) but team (A/B) has (points)!

[Depends on results.]

Sam: Thanks for the reminder. Now, let’s continue with Round 3!

Round 3 Introduction

Max: I think one of the teams might enjoy this… It’s a VIDEO GAME ROUND!

*audience oooooh*

Max: This round will be split into two parts, with the first being audio based and the second part being visual only. From the audio or video, teams have to identify what video game is being played.

As it’s round three, teams get triple points for each correct answer they give, and as there are four games to identify, that’s a potential 12 points up for grabs…
But do the teams know their Sonic from their Mario? Let’s give them a link to the past!

Sam: Thanks for that, Max. Are both teams ready to play?


Sam: Well then, to quote a famous plumber…

*sound plays* Here we go!

(Writer’s Note: Pronounciation guide:

If NO:

Sam: Ready or not, to quote a famous plumber…

*Here We Go! sound plays*

*Round 3 plays out*

Round 3 Results

Sam: How’d they do, Max?

Response 1 (No video games identified for either team)

Max: Apparently they don’t know their Koopa from their Stormtrooper.
Neither team identified any games, so neither team gets any points!

Sam: Thanks for the update, Max!

Response 2 (1-2 video games identified for either team)

Max: They didn’t gain much XP in that round, Sam.
Neither team managed to identify more than two songs.
However, team A has (points) and team B has (points) meaning team (A/B) barely wins the round.

[Depends on result of game.]

Response 3 (2-3 videogames identified for either team)

Max: They’ve still got some spare lives- in fact, team A picked up (points) and team B picked up (points) meaning that team (A/B) wins the round! [Depends on result of game.]

Response 4 (4 videogames identified on both teams)

Max: Our teams don’t seem to need the Konami Code, Sam.
Both teams correctly identified all the games, meaning they both get 12 points!

Sam: What’s the Konami Code?

Max: I don’t know, Sam- but I think the audience can help out. Audience?

*Audience Chants: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start!*

Sam: You’ve just given me a set of directions and buttons. What do they do?

Max: If you press them in that order at the title screen of Contra, you will get 30 lives.

Round 4 Introduction

Sam: Thanks for the Intel, Max.
Now, time for our fourth and (potentially) final round- What is it?

Max: Have you ever seen a show called “Don’t Forget the Lyrics”, Sam?

Sam: Oh no… are we going to have to sing to them?

Max: No, no singing this time. Here’s how this round will work:

Sam, you are going to be reading lyrics off to the two teams. They will have to guess the songs that the lyrics come from and for each song that they guess, they will get four points as this is round four.

There are three songs to identify, meaning that this round is worth 12 points!

But do the teams know their lyrics or have they gone gaga?

Sam: There’s only one way to find out… and it’s not by fighting.
Let’s begin the final round!

*Round 4 plays out*

Round 4 Results

Sam: How did the teams do in this final round, Max?

Response 1 (No songs identified for either team)

Max: I think it wasn’t just the lyrics that were forgotten today…
No songs identified, so no points!

Sam: Thanks for the update, Max!

Response 2 (1 song identified for either team)

Max: All these teams have composed is a low score.
Neither team managed to identify more than one song. However, team A has (points) and team B has (points) meaning team (A/B) barely wins this round.

[Depends on result of game.]

Response 3 (2 songs identified for either team)

Max: Well Sam, the teams were almost in perfect harmony. Team A picked up (points) and team B picked up (points) meaning that team (A/B) wins the round!

[Depends on result of game.]

Response 4 (3 songs identified on both teams)

Max: I feel like these teams were composers in a previous life.
Both teams identified all 3 songs, meaning they both get 12 points!

Sam: Thanks for that, Max- now it’s time for the final scores!

Final Scores?

Response 1 (Team A or Team B wins massively in points)

Sam: Team A has (points)…

Max: and Team B has (points…)

Sam: Meaning team (A/B) has won by a massive margin of (difference in points)!
Team (A/B), prepare for the forfeit round…

Response 2 (Team A or Team B wins narrowly in points)

Sam: Team A has (points)…

Max: and Team B has (points)…

Sam: Meaning team (A/B) wins, but barely.
It was a very close game, with team (A/B) just just (difference in points) away from a win. Team (A/B), prepare for the forfeit round…

Response 3 (Both teams are tied)

Sam: Team A has (points)…

Max: Hang on a minute, Sam. Team B also has (points!)

Sam: Are you mad?

Max: No, take a look at the scoreboard!

Sam: Well, in that case we need to break this tie. *rips bowtie*

Max: (To Camera) I don’t think that’s what he means. It’s time for a sudden death round!

Sudden Death

Sam: That’s right, Max. Remember how we decided the turn order in the first round?
Well, we’re doing it again. This time, however, it’s a best of 3 and whoever wins won’t have to do the dreaded forfeit challenge we have in store…

Will the team captains please step forward?

*team captains step forward to podium*

Sam: Max, I’ll let you do the honours.

Max: Thanks, Sam.

Captains, are you ready?


Max: Ooh! Team (A/B) won that round, but remember, team (A/B) can still win!

Round 2, are you ready?


Response 1 (Team A/B wins two consecutive sudden death rounds)

Sam: And that’s it!
(A/B) is the winning team, so team (A/B), prepare for the forfeit challenge…

Response 2 (Teams tied- one sudden death round each…)

Max: Oooooh! Looks like we’re going to have the full set of three! Who will win?

Sam: I don’t know, Max- but as it’s the final round of sudden death,
I’ll be the one counting them in.



Winner of Sudden Death

Sam: Team (A/B) wins sudden death!

Bad luck, team (A/B), but that means that you have to face our forfeit challenge.
Thank you for joining us team (A/B) and here’s your trophy- Congratulations!

Forfeit Challenge

Sam: Team (A/B), what happened?

*wait for response*

Sam: Well, it’s now time for our forfeit challenge. How will it work, Max?

Max: Let’s hope the team likes cinnamon…
…because they’re about to do the Cinnamon Challenge!

Sam: That’s hardly a forfeit, is it?

Max: Well, it might not seem that way, however the team has to taste it without any milk.

Sam: No milk with cinnamon? That’s like having cones without ice cream!

Max: And it gets worse.
The captain will be blindfolded, and will get a slightly different mix of cinnamon.

Sam: Right, time to eat up.
If you all finish, you’ll get a consolation prize. You have 5 minutes. Ready?

3, 2, 1… GO!

*cinnamon challenge plays out*

Max: (To Camera, quietly) we’ve added a little… kick to their cinnamon.
They’ll find out what it is when they taste it.

Response 1 (Losing team completes cinnamon challenge)

Sam: Well done to you lot! You may have lost,  but you completed the cinnamon challenge, and for that, you deserve a reward. Here’s your consolation prize!

Response 2 (Losing team fails cinnamon challenge by time running out)

Max: Time’s up!

Sam: Aww, too bad. No consolation prize for you, but you aren’t leaving empty handed.
You get a souvenir for being a part of the show, so thank you for playing along.

Response 3 (Losing team fails cinnamon challenge)

Max: (To Camera and Sam, quietly) Did I just hear someone spit?

Sam: Stop the clock!
My associate Max heard one of you spit the cinnamon out, so you all FAIL!

End of Show

Sam: Now that that’s over and done with, I’m Sam Britton, and this has been (show title).

Sam + Max: Goodnight!